Tips to Prepare Your Kid for Preschool
Preparing for preschool is not as easy as you might think. You may have spent months preparing your toddler to go to preschool, only to find that they're anxious and withdrawn when they first get there.
You can do several things before your child starts school to help them feel more confident and prepared as they enter their new environment next year. Below are some tips on what to take when packing up for preschool and how the transition will be smoother for everyone.
Preschool has its schedule and routine. You will notice that most preschools are only open for a few hours each day. The feeling of practice is essential for the child to feel more comfortable in their new environment and make transitions easier when moving from one place to another.
Highchair or Stroller: When taking a young child to preschool, many parents take a highchair or stroller because it can help the transition. The child feels more secure when secured in a highchair or stroller, and there is more room for other children to play with.
Essential Items: At some point, you will also be asked to bring some important items from home. These are things like a sippy cup, bibs, napkins, cups, baby wipes. All of these items can come in handy when your child is at preschool. Be sure to bring extra if you cannot find replacements at preschool.
Things your child Can't Bring: The only things you should not bring with you to preschool are toys. Many parents do not want their children to be distracted with toys while teaching them a lesson. It could also prevent your child from learning their homework because they keep playing with their toys instead.
Common Phrases: There are certain common phrases that you should learn before your child starts preschool next year. Some of the phrases are what your child can say when he is excited, interrupting, needing to go to the bathroom, or asking for a drink. Some of these phrases you can teach to your child are: "Excuse me," "I'm sorry," and "May I have a drink please."
Preschool Lesson Lists: Your preschool teacher will give you a lesson list for the first week of school. This way, you know what your child will be learning, and you won't get concerned if they don't seem to be learning what they should be.
First Day: You should plan to bring your child to school the first day after work. It can be overwhelming for your child to arrive late in the afternoon when all of the other children are already there. It is especially true if your child doesn't have many friends that go there with them.
Transitioning: Once your child arrives at preschool, there will be many things happening all at once. Even though this is stressful for some parents, it is a big deal for your child to walk into their new classroom and make friends with other children. It can be overwhelming at first but remember that it will get better as time goes on.
Here is a checklist of things you should include in your child's backpack when he begins preschool. This list is based on what you should pack for preschool and what some other parents bring with them. The list includes:
- A change of clothes - Your child's clothes must be clean and fresh before he goes to preschool. Children tend to sweat a lot when they are young, which may cause stains if the child does not shower.
- Water Bottle - Water is essential when it comes to preschool. If your child is brought water in a bottle, always be sure to bring at least one extra so that your child does not get thirsty.
- Snacks - It's a good idea to pack snacks for your child because some preschools do not have enough time to make them a meal. If your child has a nut allergy, do not bring any nuts or nut products with you. The teachers will give you an alternative to not get hungry and don't disrupt the class.
- Extra set of clothes - Some children tend to be messier than others for food and playtime. So it's always good to pack extra clothes if your child spills something on his clothes.
- Shoes - Are essential for preschool because they prevent blisters and foot pain from walking a long way from the car inside.
- Hand Sanitizer - The teachers will tell you not to bring hand sanitizer with you, but it's advantageous. Some preschools do not have hand sanitizer or soap in the bathroom, and the kids may touch things they shouldn't.
- Art Supplies - Although many preschools do not allow parents to bring art supplies, some parents sneak them in any way if their child needs something to color on or draw with.
- Science Kit - Most preschools require science kits for their students to learn about science through experiments. A great place to get a science kit is your local school supply store or the dollar store.
- Water Bottle Cap Collector - It's a good idea to have a water bottle cap collector in your child's backpack because most preschools will ask you to bring it with you when you drop off your child.
- Board Games - Most preschools have board games to play with their students, and they love to play some of their favorites.
How Do You Prepare Your Kid For a New Teacher?

Before you bring your child to any preschool, you should ask the teacher what kind of lessons they do, even if they are temporary. You can also check out the school's website. If your child is new to preschool or has been there before, make sure to ask their teacher if they have any allergies or special needs that may be necessary for them to be treated at school. In addition, you want to know if he will be able to play with all of the other children and if he will be okay with a new teacher.
Also, it would help if you were sure to ask your child about their teacher. He may not like the new teacher and could get upset or misbehave while at the preschool.
If you have any questions about what kind of lesson your child will be learning, you should ask the teacher if you can observe the class for a little while before your child goes to school. Watching a preschool class from the inside will give you insight into how they teach children of different ages.
How Do You Prepare Your Kid For the New Classmates?
Before your child starts preschool, he should know a few things about the other kids in the classroom. Ask if he knows any of them, whether it's a boy or a girl, and what kind of problems he may have. Ensure that your child knows how to be polite with everyone and not to make fun of anyone because this can cause behavior problems for other children in the class.
If your child is new to preschool, ask the teacher how many kids will be in his class and their names. Through this, your kid will be able to socialize with his classmates easier. An excellent way to teach your child not to get scared about new kids is by introducing them slowly.
How Do You Prepare Your Kid For the New Schedule?
It's always a good idea to ask the preschool what their schedule is like before bringing your child there. Your child needs to know what they will be doing every day for class and lunch. Also, make sure that he knows when their nap time is, if they will be going on field trips and if they will be taking regular naps at home.
The teacher should tell you what the schedule is like and how often the children nap in the classroom. If you want to know the best time to drop off your child, please ask the teacher this first. You can also inquire if there are any rules about this and how often it happens.
Before you bring your child to preschool, it's essential to get a good idea of how the school will treat him. Also, it would help if you asked about the classroom times and how often they nap in the classroom. Eventually, don't forget to ask about how many kids will be in your child's class and what their names are. If they're new, make sure that your child knows who they are and what kind of problems they may have.
Guest Author/Contributor:
I'm Andrea Gibbs Born, raised, and still living in New York. I'm a work-at-home mom with a background in business development, strategy, and social media marketing. I'm a blog contributor at Baby Steps Daycare in Forest Hills, New York to motivate and educate other parents about how they can get their children ahead of the game in school.